Monday, May 17, 2010

A Dedication

Manage. Manage. Manage.
All we do is manage.
What is there to manage?

Time. Time. Time
All we want is more time.
But more time for what?

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
All we do is make choices.
Why do we need choices?

Plan. Plan. Plan
All we do is keep on planning.
But planning for what?

Work. Work. Work.
All we do is learn how to use ethics to work.
Why do we need to keep on working?

Eggs crack. Clock runs. Legos don't match.
We lost against one winning team.
But what have we gained?
Plan. Lead. Communicate.
We lost the game, what have we won?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Steady and Conscientious...? Or so it says.

For this DISC assessment test, I got the results of being a S-C combination. I find this to be somewhat accurate about me, especially since I emphasize on cooperating with others to carry out the task. I am also willing to follow rules, until I want it my way.
I enjoy group work while getting things done, and it is right about me. The problem is, I am also willing to take risks, so being an S-type doesn't necessarily mean that I am resistant to it. Another thing is that I am calm and patient as we fulfill the work, but I get extremely impatient when the task isn't done yet.
Though I may or may not be calm, I am predictable and possessive over my work. I love working in situations that are controlled, steady, and consistent. I love having a steady balance while taking risks and I am eager for change, but I know that I rather work at a habitual-type place. Interestingly, being in a controlled environment also means following rules. I may not like the rules, but I tend to follow them just to be on the safe side. I guess in better words, I like to play safe.
I'm pretty satisfied with my results, because I know that I am not a dominant person, nor do I use my influence over others to get things done. I know that as long as the task is being completed, nothing else matters.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Efficient Blogging

Blogging was extremely useful for this management class. It was helpful in a sense that everyone was able to use this as a form of communication when we are outside of the classroom. Although we used blogging to communicate with each other, we never really talked inside the classroom unless we're doing groupwork. For me, I learned to talk to the people that sit around me, but I don't think I ever had any interaction with them through blogger.

This is the first and only class that required blogging as a percentage of our final grade. Honestly, I really hate writing. I've taken many classes where writing is involved and I expected this management class to have the same written assignments as well. What I was not expecting was that our written assignments would be on blogger. It was interesting because it felt more like free writing rather than something that was essay based. Blogging lightened the atmostphere of writing for this class.

Not only was blogging easy for this class, but it was easy for us to write about the topics that we were assigned. When writing a blog, we were forced to reflect and related each group activity to a theory or term. It was an effective way for us to learn and remember what Professor K had taught in class. Blogging really forced me to think back about what I had learn when I took the two exams during this semester. Blogging should definitely remain as one of the important compopnents of this course.

Though blogging may seem easy, it was extrememly tedious for me. I enjoyed writing a blog over another written assignment that other professors typically give and I really loved reading others' blogs, but I found the commenting portion really annoying. I understand that blogging serves as a communication channel for us, but it is really hard to comment about something that someone had mentioned in the blog. I'm not too expressive with my words, and I do not want the person to think that I am leaving a negative remark when that wasn't my intention. Another annoying thing about this blog is that we have to hand in a hard copy of everything. I didn't make a note of whose blog I was commenting on so I spent this week going back to every classmate's blog to find my comments.

Overall blogging was effective in expressing our thoughts about a topic and group activity, and it benefited ourselves because it serves as a great reference tool during an exam. I'm really not fond of using computer because I have to deal with it in most of my graphics classes, so I really didn't like paying attention to my blog. But I know that since this is for grading purposes, I had to check it every so often. When this class is over, I might not use this particular blog ever again, but I may create a new one my own personal journal.