Sunday, April 18, 2010

Conquered my fear, what's next?

A vision is necessary when you need to know what you have to do and how to approach that goal you want to achieve. From the video, The Power of Vision, the narrator discussed what a vision is and how it happens. He used various examples to demonstrate how a person achieves his/her vision. Like the Parthenon, did a person sit back and watch his dream happen or did he go ahead and pursue this vision?

Right now, I envision myself accomplishing a full list of goals and spontaneous risks that I will dare to do. Some visions that I can derive from that list are:

1. work as an accomplished graphics designer, hopefully doing television commercials or billboards.
2. go on the Amazing Race.
3. buy a house for both my parents and my future family.
4. make enough money to be able to sponsor a non-profit organization, such as ASPCA or NAPAWF (I suggest you to google them), for the rest of my life. If I cannot provide this kind of support, I will volunteer my time and efforts instead.
5. work in a foreign country for a brief period of time.

In order to make these visions happen, of course I have to build up my résumé with internships and such. Then I would need to graduate, so that I can successfully work on my career. Once I become what I hope to become, I will save up my money so that I can buy those houses that I mentioned above. Another portion of my money will go towards the donations to the non-profit organizations. These organizations need us most to help create a better community. Because so many people are so self-centered in their lives, I feel the need to be the one to take action and help these organizations. Even if I cannot financially support them, I can help them by spreading awareness. Going on the Amazing Race really doesn't relate to the rest of the list, but it is something spontaneous that I would like to do. I love traveling, and I want to go everywhere that I can.

My visions are simple, but are they possible? They can be possible if I make it happen. I already have a focused path, and all I have to do is follow it and take action to accomplish those goals.

A personal goal I recently achieved:I have stage fright. I'm absolutely terrified of speaking in public.
This semester, I practiced many hours for the Baruch Asian Student Union (BASU) Variety Show, and all my hard work paid off last Friday. My sorority performed two different scenes - one is a dance scene and the second is a skit to celebrate the Chinese culture. I danced and narrated, conquering my fear.
I had this vision that I could use this show (it occurs every year) to work on my stage fright. Not only did I see myself overcoming it, I also had a different sort of vision. I imagined so many different ways we can produce these two scenes, and in the end, it worked out perfectly.
(I'm the loser on the far right, by the way.)

Visions are necessary when creating goals, and they can only be imagined if you want to do it. For me, one down, five more to go. So if you have a vision, go do it!


  1. Congrats on the show. Seems like visions do help. :) I think it makes it easier having visions that relate to each other like yours (well cept for Amazing Race lol) so that attaining one can help to attain the others.

  2. You sound like someone who know what she wants from life:) I wish you tons of luck to achieve your goals. My favorite was the one about ASPCA, every time i watch their TV advertising my heart breaks... i also would like to help poor animals.

  3. wow quite a list there! i agree with you, most people are very self centered in this world and the world would be a better place with more people like you lol. i would loveee to be on the amazing race. i used to watch the show before and it was awesome!!!! and hey congrats on conquering the stage fright. i used to have a similar problem and i eventually conquered it!

  4. good luck on ur goals and congrats on conquering stage fright. I currently donate to WWF.

  5. Wow, you definitely have a clear cut vision for your future. I like how some of the goals you mentioned aren't powered by money. You said that you would devote your time to those organizations in need if you didn't have the funds. Life is too short to always worry about the dollar. If more people shared a piece of your vision, the world would be a better place. Best of luck!

  6. Good Luck! I think all your visions are possible.

  7. Especially, number 2 goal "Amazing Race". I also like to participate in someday with my partner. Good Luck! who knows we might compete each other as diffrent team member :)

  8. Caren,

    I applaud you on conquering your stage freight! Conquering this fear has just contributed to accomplishing all your other goals especially career-wise. One day you will have to present your graphic design ideas to a large group of people and you'll look back and think, hey I got up in front of strangers and danced my bum off, so I can definitely present my ideas to this group. Best of luck in accomplishing your goals!


  9. first off, congratulations on conquering your stage fright!

    I admire that you are not self centered, and want to help others in need, many people just think about themselves and become greedy.

    you seem to have many goals just stay optimistic and don't give up, even if they are difficult.

  10. congratulations Caren on getting pass that fright and getting on that stage...
    i think you have such altruistic goals...good for you, you are a better person than i am (smile). while all of your dreams are great, i love the "amazing race" vision! if you do get in, i beg that you will take me with you! good luck.

  11. Visions are something that people need to seriously think about. I think all your visions are well thought out. Also from your post i can see that you have taken strides towards your visions, and that is the key for any vision to be successful. The vision about the amazing race is awesome, i wish you the best of luck.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I agree with everyone else in that you seem to have a clear cut vision of your future. I especially like goal 5 (work in a foreign country), because I believe that especially as a graphic designer this experience will further your professional development. Hope you'll be on the Amazing Race someday :)

  14. Looks like you have spent a lot of time thinking about your future; those are some pretty specific goals. I can relate to the stage fright as I am also terrified of public speaking. I am taking Communications this semester and it is definitely helping me out as I am forced to get up and speak in public on a regular basis. I am glad that you got over your fear and that the show went well. Good look with your future goals!

  15. Caren,

    I would not call your visions "simple" at all! Being a successful graphic designer and buying a house for you and your family, in my opinion is something that will require many things to happen. However, as you have shown yourself to be dedicated and determined (i.e. getting over stage fright) I am sure you will fulfill your vision! Also, I commend your altruistic attitude in your vision! Good Luck!


    Wendy: I'm glad my visions connect with each other, maybe that's how i enVISION them! lol
    Elena: Thank you, and I hope that you achieve those goals that you want to pursue as well!
    Anshal: Congratulations on getting over your stage fright! I'm still working on mine, I still can't get in front of a classroom yet lol
    Raymond: You donate already?! That's such a good contribution!
    Farhan: Thank you, but I'm sure a lot more people than me do not worry about the dollar :)
    Wenjing: Thank you! Good luck on your goals as well!
    Jongeun: Let me know when you join the Amazing Race, I'll either be supporting you behind my tv or competing against you!
    Candice: I'm glad I danced like a chicken on stage! At least that would be the most embarrassing thing I've ever done!
    Estefany: Thank you, but don't admire me, I haven't done them yet! haha
    Raphael: I would love to take you on the Amazing Race, but my sister will be taking me! Let's compete with Jongeun!
    Jack: Thank you, I wish you the best of luck on your visions too!
    Daria: You should try going to a kareoke bar to work on your stage fright!
    Nick: I would love to work in a foreign country! That's why I want to go on the Amazing Race because I want to travel the world :)
    Eddie: I chose graphics comm as my major so I can speak through my art work!
    Eugene: Thank you, good luck on becoming successful!

  17. Haha going on the Amazing Race would be awesome. I would love to go on the Amazing Race seeing as one my goals is to travel the world. I think I should also make that one of my goals, and this blog post totally inspired me to do that. Maybe well be competeting against each other some day haha.
